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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2003-07-11 13:05:49 Views : 32074 Level Skip Pause the game, then hold L1 + R2 + Down + Triangle. Release the buttons, then quickly press Circle, Up, Square, Triangle, Right, Down. Skip level and level select options will now appear when the game is paused. Note: This code also allows you to retain weapons and items from level to level. Swan Dive Press R2 + Up + Circle and Lara will do a swan dive. Handstand On Ledge Hang from a ledge, then press Up and L1, L2, R1, R2. Lara will do a hanstand on the ledge. See Some Strange Details If you get Lara in just the right place. Viewed from bottom while she is standing still on stairs near the first person you meet when you first start playing. You can see up her pant leg. You see nothing big but you see her figure. Persian Ghetto: Unlimited Money Go into the pawn shop after you talk to the women. After you talk to the man in the pawn shop, leave. Then, go straight until you get to a sewer drain cover and an object or item toward your left. Pick it up. It will be money. Go back to the pawn shop. Then, walk back out of the pawn shop. Return to the sewer top where you found the money. There will be money there once again. Continue doing this for unlimited money. Unlimited Money Or Items Go to any location that you can exit and re- enter easily with money or reusable items (health packs, bars, etc.) that can be picked up. Keep leaving and entering the screen. The money or item will still be there each time. Serpent Rouge Night Club Turn on the disco lights that move up and down. Then, go up to the second level. There should be a box on the opposite side from the one that you came up from. Move that box and climb on top of it. From there you can climb up again. A huge catwalk will fall. Make a running jump and get to the other side. Next, jump onto the disco lights and enable the walk feature. Walk to your right, then turn again once you reach the the end of the frame. Jump and grab the edge. You must now climb the ladder. There should be a slide with a gap at the bottom. Slide down and jump to the other side. Then, turn left and make that jump. Straight ahead is a metal frame that you can jump to and grab. Shimmy across and pull yourself up. Walk to the edge of the wooden platform and jump to the next catwalk with a bridge. Kick the bridge down and break the door open. Go into the room and pull the left lever until the broken light is on the bottom left side of the square. Then, pull the right lever and you can collect the object. Go back across the bridge, then exit through the door that is in the room with the levers. Forget about the ladder in there, as all you get is a candy bar. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness cheat codes.
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